helianthus giganteus การใช้
- Helianthus giganteus is a leaves are slender, lanceolate.
- Wildflowers grown from seed in the meadow include showy milkweed ( Asclepias speciosa ), butterfly weed ( Asclepias tuberosa ), smooth and prairie aster ( Aster laevis and Aster turbinellus ), wild indigo and blue false indigo ( Baptisia tinctoria and Baptisia australis ), New Jersey yea ( Ceanothus americanus ), purple coneflower ( Echinacea purpurea ), and Joe Pye weed ( Eupatorium, maculatum ), swamp sunflower ( Helianthus giganteus ), blazing star and New England blazing star ( Liatris aspera and Liatris scariosa v . novae-angliae ), bee balm ( Mondarda didyma ), border phlox ( Phlox paniculata ), black-eyed Susan ( rudbeckia fulgida v . sullivanti ), thin-leaved coneflower ( Rudbeckia triloba ), stiff goldenrod ( Solidago rigida ), Britton's Violet ( Viola brittonia ), and bird's-foot violet ( Viola pedata ).